Wednesday, 2025-01-22, 6:36 AM | Welcome Guest | Registration | Login


This page is responsible for the accurate listings of active covens.

If you request to have a coven created it will be listed here, members who do not possess an administrative position cannot see all the covens that are listed in the forum
only the coven you belong to will be seen, if you do not belong to any coven none will be seen.

To request to join a coven you must do the following

1) Contact the coven leaders (priest or priestess)  first of all , the coven belongs to them and they must give clearance. No councils can give this clearance
2) If allowed after final confirmation i will change your credentials to show you coven affiliation. 
3) In case of group transference etc you are given a password to enter the forum. You will need it to login the coven, if you misplaced the password contact the coven leaders or your fellow coven mates who possess the password. Or even my self.

To leave a coven

There is no required confirmation but it is polite to notify your coven leaders /members you are about to leave the coven. If such a choice is made you must contact me so i can officially remove you from the coven.

To report a coven

If a coven is practicing prohibited activity then please report it to me, investigations will be made and the coven may be deleted

Reporting coven errors

If for some reason your password for your coven is not working and it has not been changed you can report it to me.

Creating a coven - view form below

Coven Construction Application form 

Name of coven:

Priest: (leave blank if non appointed) 

priestess: (leave blank if non appointed)

Councils: (leave blank if non appointed)


Coven logo: ( put the url ( via the url button bb codes) for me to view a coven logo) the logo is not mandatory but just enhances the overall look.
Coven bio: (write your coven bio and put it in with the message) 

State Whether accepting new members:

Note: please pm (private message) me this form and your details when applying to create covens.


You may notice when hovering over this page a tab appears, these tabs are links to every coven's personal page and it lists how many covens are present and all other necessary information.